Call for Papers

Thank you for submitting more than 650 abstracts!

Late news submission open till April 30!

The late news abstract submission process for ICSM 2024 will be open until April 30, 2024.

Follow the steps from the Abstract Submission and Management System to submit your topic for the conference.

You need to prepare:

  • Title
  • Authors
  • 200 word summary
  • Choosed up to 3 Keywords from the list below

List of Keywords

1. Fundamentals: Materials design and synthesis

2. Fundamentals: Processing and structural characterization

3. Fundamentals: Theory and modelling

4. Fundamentals: Photophysics of organic and hybrid semiconductors

5. Fundamentals: Spin and magnetism

6. Devices: OPV and photodiodes

7.Devices: OLEDs, organic lasers, displays and lighting

8. Devices: OFET and OECT

9. Devices: Sensors and bioelectronics

10. Devices: Neuromorphics

11. Devices: Industry and manufacturing

12. Novel Materials: Perovskite and hybrid PV

13. Novel Materials: Nanomaterials

14. Novel Materials: Organic conductors and superconductors

15. Novel Materials: Graphene and other 2D materials and devices

16. Emerging applications: Transparent conducting electrodes

17. Emerging applications: Thin-film encapsulation   

18. Emerging applications: Organic batteries and supercapacitors

19. Emerging applications: Organic materials for thermoelectrics

20. Emerging applications: Organic photo(electro) catalysis